Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Good bye Black Orchid

I didn't think this day would come, but it did come without me expecting it.
When I went to my horse riding lesson, I looked at the list where the rider and the horse is written.
Surprisingly, next to my name, there were no 'Black orchid' written on it, instead, it was 'Hernandia.
Hernandia was a 12 year-old horse that I used to ride. My coach said that she's a bit too old to ride, and she's not that active anymore, so that's my meeting with Black Orchid. By now, I prefer riding Black Orchid more than Hernandia, because she's more active, faster, and shorter. My coach said that Black Orchid was bought by someone. He said that the person's a kid, it's the kid's birthday, so he liked riding Black Orchid, and the kid's parents bought Black orchid for the kid. Wonder where they got the money in such short notice. So on that day, I rode Hernandia. It doesn't feel the same, maybe because I'm already used to riding with Black Orchid. I had problem in canter with Hernandia now, she didn't want to go faster, so I keep whipping and yelling out stuff at her.
Ath the end of the lesson, my coach said that I'll ride a new one in the next lesson, thanks god he said that the new horse will be more active than Hernandia. But still, Black Orchid's the best horse I've ever ridden so far. Good bye Black Orchid, see you again!

1 comment:

diandra said...

I'm there when Black Orchird is given to the kid. Dia anak H/S juga kok..
Tpi kayaknya masih elementary deh..
It was her 8th bday..

Gila.. enak bgt ya?? I'm 13 years old and aku baru dapet aquilla abis debat panjang with my dad. And I only lease him..

I hope the kid is taking good care of Black orchird Ya..